


The most frequent method for permanently joining metal parts into one piece or unit is through 焊接. The strength of the bond is such that 焊接 is utilized in a wide range of industrial usages – from making automobiles to toasters…and multiple options in between.

While six in 10 welders perform work in industrial positions, and another 11 percent in construction, a significant number of welders work in 非传统的工作. 一切从设计, manufacturing and selling jewelry as precious stone and metal workers…machinists, 工具和模具制造商, or metal and plastic machine workers, 对水管工, 管道工和锅炉工, 钣金工人, and the assemblers/fabricators who put finishing touches on parts and projects. 


事实上, welders specializing in metal fabrication may find themselves on the NASCAR Circuit, working with pit crews to repair and build race cars and associated equipment. 另一个 受欢迎的选择 水下焊接, in which skilled professionals work underwater to construct and repair structures beneath an ocean’s or lake’s surface. That’s a job the combines two careers into one and requires highly skilled people. 

Welders are needed by the military to help build critical infrastructure and repair the equipment used by our armed forces. Pipeline installers may be asked to work in wild, remote areas such as Alaska or Canada, and some welders could find themselves cruising around the world if hired to live and work aboard cruise ships, replacing or repairing the vessel’s pipe systems.

和, 作为一名旅行焊工, there’s good money to be made going from place to place to help complete industrial shutdowns, doing contract work for the military, performing industrial pipe work in a variety of locations, or undertaking the underwater 焊接 others aren’t trained…or equipped…to do.

Advances in 技术 in the Welding Industry

Roughly 20- -25 percent of the 焊接 done today is automated, and that’s expected to grow another 20 percent in the next few years. 作为对 机器人焊接 increases and more manufacturing process include high-powered lasers and electronic beams, welders skilled in these new technologies will be in higher demand than ever.

焊接是一个增长型职业, and the experts predict it will continue to grow, especially with forecast employee shortages on the horizon and as new technologies emerge. It’s an excellent time to take advantage of the various opportunities to become part of a growing profession.

Welding also is a very “hands-on” occupation, one for which Fortis provides hands-on 焊接 learning and training programs at campuses in 乔治亚州, 俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州. To learn more about the varied opportunities 焊接 affords, and how to get started in the career, 访问我们的网站